Make a Financial Gift to Support Wesley Early Learning Center
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include "Wesley ELC" in the Donation Designation
Give by Check
Make checks out to FUMC Boyd with "Wesley ELC" in the memo line
Checks may be mailed to P.O. Box 337 Boyd, TX 76023 or dropped in the offering plate during Sunday Worship
Shop our Amazon Wish List
Help furnish basic supplies for classrooms & teaching staff to create a safe, engaging, and fun learning environment! All Amazon Wish List items will ship directly to the Early Learning Center.
Wesley Early Learning Center, as a ministry of First United Methodist Church of Boyd, is a 501(c)(3) non-profit entity. Donations are generally tax-deductible and you will be provided with a Year-End Statement of Giving by FUMC Boyd. Mid-Year Statements of Giving are available upon request by inquiry with the Wesley ELC Director.